Sunday, January 6, 2013

Started New Screenplay + Wingmen Incorporated News!

Dear Whomever is Bored Enough to Read This,

As of 1/1/13 I have officially started a new screenplay.  It's been a long time since I started a new one.  I co-wrote Wingmen Incorporated but that story wasn't my idea.  In 2009 I did start a comedy called Welcome To The Family, but that beginning ended up being used in Wingmen Incorporated. So that one never got finished (and probably won't be).   I may take some of those scenes and put them in my newest screenplay, which is tentatively called I Don't Recall.

I'm not sure how much of the plot I should give away, but the script involves my character getting into an accident and faking amnesia.  When my girlfriend (Kate) moves out here in the spring we'll get crankin' on the script. In the meantime I just wanted to start writing a few scenes here and there so we wouldn't have to start from scratch once she gets here.  I'm really anxious to see where the story takes us.  It has the potential to be very funny. I've let a few people read the scene I've written and the responses have been all very positive.  I like where it's heading.

In other news, Ken and I recently found out that there is a film coming out (with a much larger budget) called Wingman INC.  While it's not exactly the same title as Wingmen Incorporated, it's still a little too close for comfort.  We have no intention of changing our title. So we are discussing our best plan of action.  The last thing we want is to miss out on some film festivals because they don't want to accept two films with similar titles.  Their film does have some "name" talent (I put "name" in quotes because while some of their actors have done well known film and TV projects, they weren't the stars and aren't really all that well known) but that will still help them get into film festivals b/c festivals get huge boners for "name" talent.  So we may cut a few corners so we can get it out there sooner.  Nothing major.  The main thing is we may not wait until 2014 to start film festival run.  May start submitting to festivals immediately and hopefully start getting into some later in the spring/summer of 2013. To do this we may have to skip some "minor post production stuff" (that most non-filmmakers won't really notice or care about) in order to get it out there several months sooner. 

So our festival run may start this summer as opposed to next January.  This is actually what I wanted to do in the first place even before the film with the much bigger budget and similar title got on our "radar".  I just didn't want to push everything back for Sundance.  Don't get me wrong!  It would make my LIFE to get accepted.  I just didn't like our odds and didn't feel the time spent waiting would be worth it (meaning, I didn't think we'd get in.  Don't get me wrong again.... I think  Wingmen Incorporated is worthy of getting into Sundance, I just don't trust their selection process enough to warrant pushing everything back several months to save our "premier status" for them.)

If we decide quickly on what we're doing it's possible our festival run could start in April at the Cedar Rapids Film Festival.  My first film, The Truth About Average Guys, won best Pro-Am Feature there in 2011. Their early bird deadline is January 25th.  Their late deadline is February 8th.  So it's possible that could start our festival run.  Since I was born in Iowa that makes us eligible to submit as filmmakers need an "Iowa Connection".

So at the moment, I'm not sure if Wingmen Incorporated (not to be confused with Wingman INC) will be released in May like previously discussed or much sooner.  After Ken and I discuss this more we'll decide on the proper course of action. I think we both are leaning towards putting it out sooner, but we'll see!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

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