Dear Whomever Is Bored Enough To Read This,
So I was at Walmart today and this kid (who looked to be about 4 or 5) was misbehaving a bit and his mother said to him "If you don't behave I'm going to leave you here." Part of me really wanted the kid to say "From a legal standpoint you would be in a whole mess of trouble if you knowingly left me in a public place as you are legally responsible for my well being until I am 18 years of age". Of course, little kids don't know the whole "I'm gonna leave you here!" is just an empty threat. I wanted to pull the kid aside and explain this to him, but it's never wise to be a stranger and pull aside a child b/c then you look like a creepy weirdo perv, and that's not really what I was going for.
This made me think of all the times as a child my parents tried to scare me with empty threats. I wish we'd get to redo our childhoods with our adult brains inside our kid bodies so we could call adults on their bullshit just to see the looks on their lying faces.
Know your rights, Kids!
Anyway, now for the Wingmen Incorporated updates....
1. My buddy Kyle is feverishly working on the DVD art work for the film. I saw a rough sketch and I liked what I saw.
2. Just sent out screeners to couple of Film Critics. We're hoping to get the reviews back in time to have some quotes in the trailer and on the DVD artwork.
3. I sent out a copy to the Cedar Rapids film festival. The festival is in April. Hope we get in (I'm feeling optimistic about our chances b/c The Truth About Average Guys got in and won "Best Pro-Am" in 2011. Wingmen Incorporated is a much better film and less controversial. But if the film industry has taught me anything it's that you should never take anything for granted and keep your expectations low. Far less disappointment that way.
4. Getting things ready so I can record my drunken commentary for the film. It's looking like I'll be doing that next Friday night or Saturday during the day. My friend Evan and my girlfriend Kate will be joining me for that. Should be a lot of fun. Kate is pretty funny for a girl, and Evan is pretty funny for a guy that used to be a girl.
Anyway, that's all I got for now. Still looking like we'll hit our March 1st deadline, but it will certainly not be easy.
Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones
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