Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Long Time No Blog! (lots to catch up on)

Where to start?

1.  Wingmen Incorporated played its very first festival on April 6th out in Cedar Rapids, IA. It won the Silver Eddy in the Best Feature Pro-Am Category. To be eligible for this we needed to have someone associated with the state of Iowa (I was born in Clinton, IA) and to not make over 50% of our income as filmmakers.  Since it is way less than 50% we were eligible for Pro-Am status.  The screening went really well and people seemed to really enjoy the film. I was approached several times throughout the night because people recognized me from the film. It was pretty cool.  People in Iowa are so kind.  Not at all like those fucks in Delaware.*

*never been to Delaware, I'm just assuming this based on how boring it must be to live there.

2.  My lovely girlfriend Kate moved in with me.  On Easter Sunday I borrowed my dad's truck and headed out to Chicago to pick up a truckload of her stuff.  We got it loaded up with no problem. Some Asians almost took my dad's mirror off, but they swerved at the last second b/c not only are they good at math they are good swervers. Anyway, it's been going really well. It's nice having someone here. She's a great girl and I am really lucky.

3.  Updated the website, so feel free to check out the new layout.  I just think it flows better.  Be sure to check out our new promotion:  Buy The Truth About Average Guys AND Wingmen Incorporated for $19.99 and we'll throw in a FREE copy of S.O.L.  3 DVD's loaded with bonus material for less than twenty bucks?  Yep, it's real!


4.  The podcast is still going strong. Check that out as well. We look forward to having more guests as we feel those segments have gone really well. We have a lot of fun making the podcast and the feedback so far has been great. People seem to be enjoying it.  It's really cool watching this thing grow. Hopefully it continues.


5. I have some other stuff, but I'm not really sure I'm ready to go public with it yet. I want to calm down and make sure I handle it properly. It involves my career path. Some slimey things have continued to happen and I will now be doing more projects on my own. I'm not naming any names, but for those of you that know me and my work you can probably guess who I am referring too. I may give more details in future blogs/podcasts/ect... but for time being this is all the info I am comfortable giving. I do have a list of all the slimey stuff though, and I'll probably share it at some point. Probably in blog form. We'll see.

Autobots, roll out!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

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