Saturday, April 12, 2014

Podcast Starting Back up Soon!

As some of you may know the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast will be starting back up on May 1st as part of the launching of the Moped Jones Entertainment pivotshare channel. (CLICK HERE to view the channel.) 

Yesterday I found out that a guy I work with (Justin) is into filmmaking and animation. We got to talking and it sounds like he's going to be on board. We're thinking about starting 10 Minute Abs back up as well. (for those who don't know, which is probably most of you, 10 Minute Abs was a 10 minute long sketch comedy web series that I did ......I guess I can't technically call it a series since it was only one episode long. It got over 12,000 views on youtube in just one month. The reason we didn't film more is because it was winter and all the stuff was shot out in Chicago. It was just too much of a pain in the ass to get out to Chicago every month and shoot these sketches. Also the defroster in my car was broken, so not only was it a pain in the ass it was also DANGEROUS.

As I mentioned above, Justin is also an animator. So we're looking into doing some short animated stuff for the podcast.  Since the podcast is in MP4 format we can put video over the podcast audio. So this will allow us to put pictures, text, and video clips into our podcasts.

The channel will also have all 3 of my films + loads of bonus material (drunken commentaries, sober commentaries, bloopers, outtakes, interviews, sketches, and even a documentary about the making of our first film, The Truth About Average Guys)

The format of the podcast is as follows...

First Episode will be released May 1st (Thursday), then every Wednesday after that. There will be at least 4 podcasts a month, but some months there will be 5 (depending on the amount of Wednesdays)

Each podcast will be around 25-40 minutes long. (this depends on the length of the interview, if there are sketches, how long the song is, etc...)

Each podcast will include....

a phone or in studio interview with a special guest. The guest will have something to do with writing, filmmaking, acting, comedy, or music.

Each episode will include a song by an unsigned band/musical artist.

Some episodes will include a sketch (either animated or live action).  This depends on how quickly the filmmaking/animation process goes. We all have day jobs, so try to crank out as many as we can.

Why should you subscribe?

1. All proceeds go towards my next feature length film, I Don't Recall (when all is said and done I would like the budget for the film to be between $10k-$25k). I will try to put in at least $5k of my own money.

2. FREE STUFF! - Anyone that subscribes will get an electronic copy of my book Why She Left, which is a book of quotes of things that I have actually said to my girlfriend Kate. The book is not completed, but you will get a .pdf file of the first year of quotes (we started on April of 2013)  There's over 250 quotes in the book so far.  (yes, I've said at least 250 awful things to her in the last 12 months).  Might have some more free stuff too (possibly a song if I can talk Evan into it)

3.  If you stay signed up for consecutive 12 months you will receive an Associate Producer Credit on IMDB for I Don't Recall. (which we hope to start filming in the spring/summer of 2015) When we do our Kickstarter campaign in the fall for I Don't Recall, the associate producer credit will cost at least $100. You can get it now for 12 payments of $2.99 ($35.88 total)  I totally sound like a TV pitchman and I feel really shitty for coming off that way, but movies aren't cheap to make and this is something we can do to earn a little cash to go towards our next feature.

Sounds Great! How Much Does It Cost?

$2.99 a month, you can cancel any time (if you don't want to subscribe you can purchase items a la carte, but it's much cheaper to just subscribe for a month and watch everything)

The podcast alone will be worth the $2.99 a month, but for that price you get unlimited access to everything on the channel. + you get the free book (see #2). 

I'm very excited about what the rest of 2014 holds. Will be shooting No Regrets, working on sketches (animated and live action), doing the podcast, finishing up the I Don't Recall script (got about a half dozen scenes left to write, 93 pages down, probably another 20-25 to go!)

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

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