Kate Johnson sits in with Jason W. Schaver once again for Evan "I Have a Podcast?" Atherton (for those of you keeping score, Evan is 5 for 10 at showing up for the podcast).
Episode 10 "highlights"...
(00:30) What we're drinking this week
(01:26) Happy to not be "podfading" (look it up, it's a real thing & we're not doing it!)
(02:26) Mailbag time! Jason reads two emails (the only two we got)
(06:15) Kate reads angry texts from a former client she had to block. (part of her week in review)
(10:00) JASON'S WEEK IN REVIEW: New Comedy Album Butt Stuff coming 8/5/14! (unless it sucks, then never!)
(11:26) SONG OF THE WEEK: Katie Queen of Tennessee by The Apache Relay (CLICK HERE to hear more of their music.
(15:01) Jason's Famous Facebook Friends
(17:30) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Rain Over Me (Evan/Jason from March 2013: CLASSIC MOPED)
EMAIL: info@mopedjones.com
Our free movie this week is the "Drunkenly Honest" commentary that Kate and I did for Wingmen Incorporated (our first commentary track was edited, without my permission, by my former partner, so we decided to redo our commentary + correct a few "inaccuracies" (*COUGH* lies) that were said on my former partner's commentary track.
Well, that's all for this week. Thank you to everyone that listens to the podcast and/or watches our movies.
Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment
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