Saturday, January 18, 2014

Loads of new articles + some updates!

As some of you know I recently started writing for Yahoo! Contributor Network to get back in the writing habit for a feature length comedy screenplay my g/f (Kate) and I are working on called I Don't Recall.

Well, a funny thing happened while writing for Yahoo!  I started making money at it.  Not a ton right off the bat, but enough to keep at it.

Below are the articles that I have published since my last blog.

CLICK HERE to read about how to make a movie for less than $10,000.

CLICK HERE to read about some forgotten songs from the '90s.

CLICK HERE to read about some forgotten songs from the '00s.

CLICK HERE to read about how to put on your own podcast. It's easier than you might think.

CLICK HERE to read about how to find the right film festivals for your film.

CLICK HERE to read by Hollywood is making too much money to be original. Expect more of the same from them in 2014.

CLICK HERE to read about how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign. I show you what to do and breakdown one filmmaker's dreadful attempt at a campaign and why it failed miserably.

CLICK HERE to read an article about pot. Yeah, it's about it being legal in Colorado.

CLICK HERE to read why resigning Jay Cutler was a no-brainer for the Bears.

CLICK HERE to read how Starbucks' attempted pissing contest with a local bar owner backfired miserably and actually helped the bar. When will big companies learn how quickly social media can be used against them?

As you can see, I've been very busy writing articles for Yahoo! the past couple weeks. While I haven't made a ton of money, I have about $500 saved up to go towards I Don't Recall. Which is roughly about 1% of what the budget will be.  I know that doesn't sound like much but by the time we're ready to shoot in the late spring/early summer of 2015 I hope to have about $6500 of my own money to put towards the film (which is about 12.5% of the budget $50,000).  I will be setting aside all my Yahoo! money + all my weekly incentive money from the day job. I have about 80 weeks to save up.  Hopefully when people see how much of a risk I'm willing to take on my own film they will be willing to donate via kickstarter/indiegogo later in the fall when we do a campaign.

Speaking of I Don't Recall, Kate and I have hit a bit of a snag, but still have 70 pages of the script completed. Just need to tie up a few loose ends and write a few more scenes and it will be over 100 pages (which is our goal).  100 pages will keep the movie within the 80-90 minutes range. Obviously we're fine with it being longer, but we definitely don't want it shorter. 

So that's where we're at with that.  If you have to read an article that you enjoy please share it with your friends. I get paid by the view, so sharing my articles really helps me out.

Thank you,

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

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