Thursday, September 25, 2014

Episode 22 + SOME FREE STUFF + weight loss goals!

Episode 22 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 22 "highlights"...

(00:23) MAILBAG/HOMEWORK:  We read two emails with the topic "Top 5 Comedians"
(02:00) Kate's Top 5 Comedians
(03:05) Jason's Top 5 Comedians
(04:25) SONG OF THE WEEK: History by Holy Holy (CLICK HERE to go to their website)
(08:30) Kate got a PETA survey and asks Jason the 7 questions from it. The results will shock you.
(11:43) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Thank You For Smoking (2006, comedy): The review is from an episode we did back in 2013 (during our first go around. Remember Evan Atherton? He's on the clip. Yup, the whole gang is back the past!)

(14:12) Kate may be changing her educational plans.  Hopefully not though.


What else do we got?  How about another free movie & a FREE comedy album by yours truly?

Here you go!

Here's some stats for all my films listed on bit torrent bundle (links to all the films can be found by clicking the download links above, and clicking "read more" in the "about this bundle" section.

Anyway, here are some stats for the past two weeks.

The Truth About Average Guys  = 144 downloads +  94 plays = seen by 238 people
S.O.L.                                          = 119 downloads + 171 plays = seen by 290 people.
Wingmen Incorporated               =   50 downloads +   64 plays = seen by 114 people.

So in the past two weeks 642 people have watched my films. I'm glad people are enjoying them, instead of the films just rotting away being ignored. Always good to find new audiences.

Anything else going on?

Kate and I are going to start I Don't Recall back up in a few weeks. I am really looking forward to getting this thing finished. I'm also doing okay on the diet. Was 250 on September 6th. I weighed in today at 236.8.  My goal was to be at 238 on October first so I smashed that with several days to spare.

Here's my weight goals.

Sep   6th = 250
Oct   1st  = 238  (nailed it!)
Nov  1st  = 227
Dec  1st  = 217
Jan   1st  = 208
Feb  1st  = 200
Mar  1st = 193
Apr   1st = 187
May  1st = 183
Jun   1st =  180

So far so good. Hopefully I can keep it up. Once the weather gets colder it's going to get more difficult. But I'm hoping I can run up until the beginning of December.

Well, that's all I got for now.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Episode 21 + FREE STUFF + and some stats...

Episode 21 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Jason is flying solo this week as Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson had to take a test.

Episode 21 "highlights"...

(00:20) - Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson is not here this week.
(00:45) - 110 people downloaded The Truth About Average Guys in the last 3 days.
(01:02) - Kayne West Hates Crippled White People
(01:48) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "The Altar" by Tom Prior (CLICK HERE to hear more)
(06:24) - MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Sleepwalk with Me (2012, Mike Birbiglia) It's on Netflix Instant Watch, or get the DVD loaded with bonus material.

(07:24) Gonna be a short show since Pickle Dick isn't here. Go to and click on the "store" tab to get loads of FREE shit.  (movies, music, stand up comedy, go get it girl!)

(07:55) Your homework for this week is to tell email us at with your Top 5 Favorite Comedians.


Okay, so what else is new?

I recently released my film, The Truth About Average Guys, on bit torrent (yeah, the piracy website). They have this new thing called the Bit Torrent Bundle. Which is their attempt at going legit. I really like it. I can release my film (for free) and if people want the bonus material there is an "email gate", which is basically a hip way of saying they have to sign up for my newsletter to get the bonus content.  I actually put up all my films on there.

The Truth About Average Guys has been downloaded 121 times in the past week. It has been streamed an additional 68 times. So nearly 200 people have watched the film this week.

S.O.L. has only been live for a couple days. It has been downloaded 35 times and streamed 33 times. So close to 70 people have watched that this week.

Wingmen Incorporated has been live for a day. It's been downloaded 10 times and streamed 13. So 23 people have watched it in the last day or so.

So all in all, my films have been downloaded 166 times and streamed 114 times this week. My films have been watched 280 times in the past 7 days.


My goal was to build up my mailing list by doing this. In the past week I have gotten 30 people to sign up for my mailing list. My goal is to get at least 1000 people on my mailing list by next spring when I start a kickstarter campaign for our upcoming film, I Don't Recall.  I already had 80 on the list, so I'm up to 110 now. Still got a long ways to go. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 to shoot the film next summer. Of course, the more we raise the better the film will be.

I've learned a lot while making my first 3 movies. I am also very excited about doing this film with new partners. People that care more about making a great movie than they do shtooping the actress's or making their character look better for their acting reel, while the movie suffers. Thus far the process has been ..........dare I say...........FUN?

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Friday, September 12, 2014

20th Episode of the podcast + Download one of my films + bonus features FOR FREE


Episode 20 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now upon us. But first, I have a free movie for you. It's my debut film, The Truth About Average Guys. It's a nifty little low budget comedy I shot back in the summer of 2008.

You can watch the trailer and the film for free. You can unlock loads of bonus material for the low low low price of ......signing up for my monthly newsletter. (you can unsubscribe any time, but hopefully you'll like what you see and will want to stick around and see where this comedy thing goes!)

If you like the film, please tell your friends about it. Well, maybe not all of them, but like the ones that might like R rated indie comedies.

That brings us to Episode 20 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast! Wow, have we been doing this for 20 weeks already?

20 episodes in. Things aren't going exactly how I thought they'd be. I have a different co-host now. Evan flaked after episode 8. Kate has been filling in nicely. At first she was a little reluctant to be part of this, but I think over the past 12 episodes she and I have gotten a lot better at co-hosting together. I think we have a pretty good thing going on.

"Highlights" from our 20th Episode...


(02:20) - Tales From The Line at Subway.

(09:11) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "Are You a Mirror?" by Quiet Company (CLICK HERE to learn more about the band)

(12:40) Kate and Jason nearly witness a wiener dog getting run over by a car.

(16:37) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Stranger Than Fiction (2006, Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman)


Thank you for listening!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ep 19 + Idiot Dog Owner Almost Gets His Wiener Dog Killed + FREE MOVIE

Ep 19 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 19 "highlights"....

(00:25) Kate is back in school.
(00:45) Jason and Kate discuss their screenplay, I Don't Recall and how importance Kate's schooling is to the script.
(05:26) SONG OF THE WEEK: Tears of Happiness by Steven James Adams (CLICK HERE to buy & CLICK HERE to "Like" him on The Facebook)
(08:25) HULU RECOMMENDATION: Golan the Insatiable (6 episodes, 10 minutes long, very funny)
(10:57) Kate is drinking a beer we can't pronounce. We have a great new slogan for them.
(11:35) No mail this week. Kate thinks it's b/c last week's episode was a little creepy.


What else do we got?

Oh yeah, Kate and I were talking Wilfred (aka Wilbur, aka Doggie Rodriguez, aka Wilber Smallz, aka Dogless, aka Chief, aka Champ, aka Dipshit, aka Pussy Bear, aka Also Known As) for his nightly walk. In one of the allies a fat moron was walking his wiener dog without a leash. He had a leash in his hand, but for some reason was not smart enough to use it on the dog.  The dog saw Wilfred and immediately ran across the street towards us. Of course at this time a car was speeding down the hill and we thought it was going to hit the dog. In fact, we actually turned away b/c we thought the little wiener dog was a goner. Miraculously the little wiener dog lived and ran across the street us.

Of course, the fat idiot moron, who probably hasn't ran in at least a decade, ran across the street grabbed the dog by it's collar, and proceeded to punch it in the face for .........well, for being a DOG!

We were so pissed. Kate started crying when she heard the dog yelping as he beat it.  I wanted so badly to bait the guy into taking a swing at me so I could beat his fat dog abusing ass, but I try to be a pacifist around Kate b/c I know we'd end up fighting if I got into a fight. So I bit my tongue. I later found out that Kate would have been fine if I had yelled at the guy. That would have been nice to know. Oh well, I'll get him next time. We've already decided if we see the dog off leash one more time we're turning them in for abuse + endangering the animal.

I don't know why so many people out here ignore the leash laws in this town. Our down is always on a leash. He's a very well behaved dog, but at the end of the day we are smart enough to realize that he is still a dog. If he sees a rabbit or a cat he's going to take off after it. It's not rocket science. It's common sense. But unfortunately it's not all that common.

What else do I have for you?

Oh yeah, how about a FREE movie?  Not good enough? How about a FREE movie with a few bonus features?  Still not enough?  Then go fuck yourself.  This shit is free. Have you ever given me anything for free? No? This is so one sided. You should get me a card.


Well, that's all I got for now. If you download the film and like it, be sure to share that link with anyone you think will like it. It's free. I just want the exposure for now.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment