Jason is flying solo this week as Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson had to take a test.
Episode 21 "highlights"...
(00:20) - Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson is not here this week.
(00:45) - 110 people downloaded The Truth About Average Guys in the last 3 days.
(01:02) - Kayne West Hates Crippled White People
(01:48) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "The Altar" by Tom Prior (CLICK HERE to hear more)
(06:24) - MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Sleepwalk with Me (2012, Mike Birbiglia) It's on Netflix Instant Watch, or get the DVD loaded with bonus material.
(07:24) Gonna be a short show since Pickle Dick isn't here. Go to www.mopedjones.com and click on the "store" tab to get loads of FREE shit. (movies, music, stand up comedy, go get it girl!)
(07:55) Your homework for this week is to tell email us at info@mopedjones.com with your Top 5 Favorite Comedians.
EMAIL: info@mopedjones.com
Okay, so what else is new?
I recently released my film, The Truth About Average Guys, on bit torrent (yeah, the piracy website). They have this new thing called the Bit Torrent Bundle. Which is their attempt at going legit. I really like it. I can release my film (for free) and if people want the bonus material there is an "email gate", which is basically a hip way of saying they have to sign up for my newsletter to get the bonus content. I actually put up all my films on there.
The Truth About Average Guys has been downloaded 121 times in the past week. It has been streamed an additional 68 times. So nearly 200 people have watched the film this week.
S.O.L. has only been live for a couple days. It has been downloaded 35 times and streamed 33 times. So close to 70 people have watched that this week.
Wingmen Incorporated has been live for a day. It's been downloaded 10 times and streamed 13. So 23 people have watched it in the last day or so.
So all in all, my films have been downloaded 166 times and streamed 114 times this week. My films have been watched 280 times in the past 7 days.
My goal was to build up my mailing list by doing this. In the past week I have gotten 30 people to sign up for my mailing list. My goal is to get at least 1000 people on my mailing list by next spring when I start a kickstarter campaign for our upcoming film, I Don't Recall. I already had 80 on the list, so I'm up to 110 now. Still got a long ways to go. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 to shoot the film next summer. Of course, the more we raise the better the film will be.
I've learned a lot while making my first 3 movies. I am also very excited about doing this film with new partners. People that care more about making a great movie than they do shtooping the actress's or making their character look better for their acting reel, while the movie suffers. Thus far the process has been ..........dare I say...........FUN?
Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment
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