Episode 19 "highlights"....
(00:25) Kate is back in school.
(00:45) Jason and Kate discuss their screenplay, I Don't Recall and how importance Kate's schooling is to the script.
(05:26) SONG OF THE WEEK: Tears of Happiness by Steven James Adams (CLICK HERE to buy & CLICK HERE to "Like" him on The Facebook)
(08:25) HULU RECOMMENDATION: Golan the Insatiable (6 episodes, 10 minutes long, very funny)
(10:57) Kate is drinking a beer we can't pronounce. We have a great new slogan for them.
(11:35) No mail this week. Kate thinks it's b/c last week's episode was a little creepy.
EMAIL: info@mopedjones.com
What else do we got?
Oh yeah, Kate and I were talking Wilfred (aka Wilbur, aka Doggie Rodriguez, aka Wilber Smallz, aka Dogless, aka Chief, aka Champ, aka Dipshit, aka Pussy Bear, aka Also Known As) for his nightly walk. In one of the allies a fat moron was walking his wiener dog without a leash. He had a leash in his hand, but for some reason was not smart enough to use it on the dog. The dog saw Wilfred and immediately ran across the street towards us. Of course at this time a car was speeding down the hill and we thought it was going to hit the dog. In fact, we actually turned away b/c we thought the little wiener dog was a goner. Miraculously the little wiener dog lived and ran across the street us.
Of course, the fat idiot moron, who probably hasn't ran in at least a decade, ran across the street grabbed the dog by it's collar, and proceeded to punch it in the face for .........well, for being a DOG!
We were so pissed. Kate started crying when she heard the dog yelping as he beat it. I wanted so badly to bait the guy into taking a swing at me so I could beat his fat dog abusing ass, but I try to be a pacifist around Kate b/c I know we'd end up fighting if I got into a fight. So I bit my tongue. I later found out that Kate would have been fine if I had yelled at the guy. That would have been nice to know. Oh well, I'll get him next time. We've already decided if we see the dog off leash one more time we're turning them in for abuse + endangering the animal.
I don't know why so many people out here ignore the leash laws in this town. Our down is always on a leash. He's a very well behaved dog, but at the end of the day we are smart enough to realize that he is still a dog. If he sees a rabbit or a cat he's going to take off after it. It's not rocket science. It's common sense. But unfortunately it's not all that common.
What else do I have for you?
Oh yeah, how about a FREE movie? Not good enough? How about a FREE movie with a few bonus features? Still not enough? Then go fuck yourself. This shit is free. Have you ever given me anything for free? No? This is so one sided. You should get me a card.
Well, that's all I got for now. If you download the film and like it, be sure to share that link with anyone you think will like it. It's free. I just want the exposure for now.
Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment
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