Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Next 730 Days...(plus video clip)

Dear Whomever Is Bored Enough To Read This,

As 2013 gets started, I can't help but think that the 730 days leading up to December 31st, 2014 will have a bigger impact on my life than any other 2 year stretch during my lifetime.  In those 730 days anything can happen.  Anything from "Nothing to Everything, and anything in between".  Does that even make sense? I like to think it does. Let me explain....

I tend to view things in 2 year increments.  The beginning of one year all the way up to the end of the following year (hence the 730 days, except if there is a leap year involved, then it's 731 days).  I started doing this in 2009 after my engagement was called off.   On 12/31/10 I just couldn't stop thinking about how 730 days ago I was incredibly happy and how quickly my life went to shit because of someone else's stupid decision (*the stupid decision was leaving me for a co-worker that had a girlfriend that he liked to cheat on, in case you were wondering, that little "fling" was over before I was even unpacked. It still amazes me that a thing that lasted 21 days tops could have such a huge impact on the rest of my life*).  So there's your brief history lesson on why the whole 730 days thing strikes such a chord with me.

Anyway, 2013-14 has the chance to be life changing.  In the first 5-6 months alone I will have my new film, Wingmen Incorporated, finished & my lovely girlfriend (Kate), will be moving from Chicago to Fulton (wtf? really?) to be with me.  I've never had a girl move for me before. I've moved twice in my life to be with girls (11/02/03 to Orlando, FL, and 11/02/07 to Rockford, IL).  Both ended up being huge mistakes that cost me dearly.  Maybe 11/2 is my unlucky moving date? Or maybe it had nothing to do with the date, but more to do with the type of girl I moved for?  Just to be safe I won't move on 11/2 ever again. I won't move for whores anymore either.   

Once Kate gets here I'll be saving quite a bit of money on rent and utilities.  Plus by May my car will be paid off  + changing my insurance to liability will save some $$$ also.  All in all, I'll be saving almost $800 a month by having her here.  Plus she's awesome.  Our personalities really mesh well together.  We can have a blast just doing nothing.  Never had that before. Would not be shocked at all if I were at the very least engaged by the time the 730 days are up.  My parents recently met her and really like her.  My dad even said he wouldn't mind having her for a daughter-in-law.  He's never said that about any of the girls I've dated before (even my ex fiancĂ©).  Will also be good for my diet.  I have this habbit of getting down to 205, getting frustrated about something that has nothing to do with my diet, then going back up to 230 (which is where I'm at now).  Once she gets out here I won't be so bored + she's a bit of a health nut so I should be more active and be eating much better.  I hope to get down to 175-180 well before the end of the 730 days.

The money saved by having a hot "roommate" will be going towards my own film equipment (a decent camera, editing equipment/software, and possibly some sound equipment).  It sucks wanting to film things but having to plan a whole weekend around it by driving out to Chicago, having people available, ect...  Would love to be able to start doing my own stuff out here.  I have tons of little sketches written that I would be able to film out this way.  Am looking forward to starting 10 Minute Abs back up again now that I have more free time.  I might also shoot a short film I wrote back in the summer of 2011 called No Regrets.  I've never done a short before.  I've also never done a drama/thriller before either.  It's definitely something I want to try just to see if I have the chops.

Also, in or around May, I'll be having a fundraising screening in Clinton, IA. for Wingmen Incorporated.  I'll be going all out for this.  Buying radio-spots to help advertise, articles in the local paper & buying ad space as well.  My goal is to pack the 250 seat theater.   In January of 2011 I had about 100 people come out to a fundraising screening of my film, S.O.L., on a Wednesday night in the middle of January.  So I'm hoping with a little advertising and better weather, this thing will be a huge success.  *crosses fingers*

The rest of 2013 will be spent researching and submitting to film festivals across the country for the 2014 Film Festival Season that starts in January with Sundance & one of our personal favorites, the Trail Dance Film Festival (Duncan, OK).   We're saving our "World Premier" for Sundance.  Of course, there is no lock that we'll get in b/c they get over 10,000 submissions a year. But, we'll see.  You never know, the right people might think we're hilarious and want to "discover" us.  So we'll see how it goes.  Sundance's early bird deadline is in April/May of 2013.  Perfect timing b/c that's when our film should be done.  All money made from my Clinton screening will be going towards film festivals submission fees & travel expenses.  Film submission fees really add up quickly.  But once you get accepted, that's when things start to get pricey.  Plane tickets, gas, hotel rooms, food, ect... It adds up in a hurry.

Will be releasing the film, website, trailer, downloads (film only), DVD's with special features, when the film is completed.  Launching everything on the same day.  I'm excited to see how many people download the film & tell their friends about the film.  Downloads will be $2.99.  Not because the movie is shitty, but because we want people to try it.  Hopefully if they enjoy the film they will buy the DVD with all the special features.  "Drunken Commentary" with myself and Ken Gayton.  Loads of outtakes AND bloopers and whatever else we can cram on there!  I'm just really curious/excited to see how the word of mouth on this film goes.

Will also be starting a new screenplay in 2013.  So I'm very excited about that.  Been a while since I started a new one from scratch, let's hope I remember how!  I really like the premise.  Can't disclose too much, but it involves amnesia.  Not sure if it's going to be a full out comedy, or a more relaxed comedy, or a dramady.  We'll see where the story takes us (Kate is writing it with me, it's awesome having an English Major for a girlfriend) =)

2014 is when it could get amazing....

For example, starting off the year having our world premier at Sundance.  That all by itself could be life changing from a career standpoint.  Wouldn't even be 25 days into the 2nd half of the 730 days and we could have already sold the film for major $$$.  But like I said, if we don't get in, it's not the end of the world. We'll hopefully get into plenty of other festivals that could do some nice things for us.  Should know by late October/early November 2013 if we are going to Park City, UT in January of 2014.  I know the film is good and that people will really enjoy it. I just hope someone important feels the same way. *crosses fingers*

Anyway, as promised, here is a clip from my new film Wingmen Incorporated.  Enjoy!   If the clip made you smile, all we ask is that you "like" us on Facebook and "share" the video. We're not a big budget film.  Word of mouth is one of the few ways we can compete against the big boys.  So please like us and share us as much as possible.

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone's next 730 days go as well as hopefully mine do!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Click here to follow me on Twitter. 

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