Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ep 26 + some news

Ep 26 is now up.

Kate is back for Ep 26 and joins Jason as they discuss Ebola/Fox News coverage, and play a couple of great tunes from an up and coming artist named Dustin Tebbutt. (go to and check out all his music. He's incredible!) and for our Hulu Recommendation we have another great show that was canceled way too soon! 



The show was a little different this week. We kind of just riffed it more. Regular episodes aren't the most structured, but still are somewhat structured, this one had very little structure. Despite that, it was a lot of fun to record and I feel that shows in the episode. Overall I'd say it's  Top 5 episode.

As you may notice, the episode description is a lot smaller now. We did this b/c we were recently accepted onto Stitcher Radio.

We're also still available on ITunes if that floats your boat...



What else is going on?

I started a tumblr.

I have a main account for writing/comedy.  CLICK HERE

And I have another one for indie music. CLICK HERE

I am still going to try to post on blogger (at least once a week, maybe) but tumblr is where it's at. Hopefully some of you make the jump to tumblr if you haven't already. It's kind of like the best parts of Facebook and Twitter minus all the crap. The dashboard is a little wonky, but overall I am enjoying my time on the site and I hope my little blogs grow into powerful blogs. Blogs that are strong enough to take over a small island nation.

Thanks for reading!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Friday, October 17, 2014

Episode 25 + I Don't Recall update + more free stuff

Episode 25 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 25 "highlights"

Jason is flying solo this week...

(00:39) SONG OF THE WEEK: Sleep My Troubles Out by You Me & Apollo (CLICK HERE to learn more about the band. CLICK HERE to see the video on Myspace, yes THAT Myspace......)

(04:30) NETFLIX RECOMMENDATION: The Tick (Tick (TV series, 2001: Patrick Warburton stars in it. It was on Fox for a short time. There's 9 episodes. This show was hilarious so of course FOX canned it immediately.)
(05:43) Studio Exec Rant
(07:21) I have this week off. THANKS OBAMA-CARE (seriously though, thank you for the insurance and the time off!)
(08:54) A Pearl by You Me & Apollo

Thanks for listening!



Had some time off this week (and also have next week off as well) so I have started working on I Don't Recall again. I wasn't going to start back up until November 1st, but decided since I have some free time right now that I should jump back into it. Kate and I had some ideas for the beginning and so I went back and completely revamped it. It's so much better now. I really love where this thing is going.

I was going to post a sample scene, but I think I'll hold off until next week's blog. I really don't have much else to talk about right now. Mainly just focused on getting this script finished. All of the pieces are slowly falling into place. I can honestly say I've never felt this optimistic about an upcoming project before.

Anyway, here's some FREE STUFF.  (all my films + my debut comedy album).

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Episode 24 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast + 2 Year Anniversary Coming Up!

Below is Episode 24 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast.  Give it a listen!

(00:52) Kate and Jason have been drinking for about 5 hours.

(01:42) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Two Night Stand (2014, romantic comedy)
(03:49) Jason and Kate discuss how they met.
(07:08) Kate talks about why she moved to Chicago. (where she lived before she moved in with Jason)
(08:59) SONG OF THE WEEK: St. Patrick's Army by The Judes (CLICK HERE to hear more! These guys are great!)

(11:56)  Clothing Remarks?


Recording this episode brought back some great memories about how Kate and I first met. Neither of us were expecting more than a few laughs and some sex, but it's ended up being the best relationship I've ever been a part of.  November 2nd will be our 2 year anniversary.  She's a great teammate and an even better friend. I am incredibly lucky to be with such a smart, pretty, funny .....weird girl.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ep 23 + movie stats + family rant

Episode 23 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up. Kate was busy with school, so I'm flying solo again this episode.

Episode 23 "highlights"...

(00:17) Jason is drunk as shit and flying solo this week.
(01:21) Philly Hate Crime: Katherine Knott is a Drunken Twat. (MUG SHOTS BELOW)
(04:44) SONG OF THE WEEK: Higher Love (Steve Winwood cover) by James Vincent McMorrow (CLICK HERE to buy the song on Amazon)

(08:25) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Saturday Night (documentary: a week in the life of SNL, it's currently on HULU PLUS, and probably other stuff too. Check it out!)
(09:16) SNL 40th Season: Keep an eye out for new cast member Pete Davidson. He's hilarious.


What else is happening?

I released my films + my comedy album on Bit Torrent Bundle recently. My 3 films have been available for about 3 weeks now. They have the option to be downloaded or viewed via streaming.

Here are some numbers....

The Truth About Average Guys = 179 downloads + 116 plays = seen by 295 people
S.O.L. = 245 downloads + 510 plays = seen by 755 people
Wingmen Incorporated = 71 downloads + 83 plays = seen by 154 people.

All 3 total = 495 downloads + 709 plays = seen by 1204 people. 

CLICK HERE to get everything for free!

I have no idea why S.O.L. (which I think is my worst film) has been seen by the most people.

Butt Stuff was just released this evening and already has 7 downloads + 4 plays = heard by 11 people

Anything else?

My co-worker (and friend) Tim, said he believed in me and was going to put $500 towards I Don't Recall next spring when we do our fundraiser. It meant a lot to hear Tim say that (even if it was in a drunken text, which I later asked him about in person....he does remember saying it and is in for $500 next spring!). But yeah, it means a lot to hear Tim say that b/c my own parents don't seem to think I should be pursuing a movie career (despite having made 3 multi-award winning comedy films all while having ZERO education on the subject!). 

My dad has told me on at least 3 occasions since 2009 that I need to give up on this "movie hobby" b/c it's time to grow up. My mother has been telling my lovely girlfriend Kate that she also thinks it's time I give up and pick a different career path. Luckily for me, Kate has stuck up for me every time. I don't know where I would be without her. 

It's just frustrating to have zero support from your own parents. I was really good at just about most things I tried growing up, so you'd think I'd have confidence oozing from all my pores. But that was not that case. Despite being pretty good at most things, I received pretty much zero encouragement for pretty much everything I did (actually got called stupid a lot, despite later finding out that I have an IQ of 140).  So I'm almost to the point where I want to tell my parents if they aren't going to encourage me could they at least have the decency to shut the fuck up?  They don't even have to help, just stay the fuck out of the way.

My family as a whole doesn't really seem to care about the whole movie thing. Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...  Which sucks b/c once I do make it I'm sure they will all be lining up to take credit for my success saying they believed in me all along.

So yeah, long rant, but it's pretty cool that Tim is in for $500. That definitively made my week.  I should have at least $2500 of my own money to go towards the film as well. I'm hoping to raise a minimum of $10k to make this thing, but would love to get closer to $25k.  I could do some real damage with a $25k budget.  I think with my connections and Kate's, we should be somewhere between those amounts.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Episode 22 + SOME FREE STUFF + weight loss goals!

Episode 22 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 22 "highlights"...

(00:23) MAILBAG/HOMEWORK:  We read two emails with the topic "Top 5 Comedians"
(02:00) Kate's Top 5 Comedians
(03:05) Jason's Top 5 Comedians
(04:25) SONG OF THE WEEK: History by Holy Holy (CLICK HERE to go to their website)
(08:30) Kate got a PETA survey and asks Jason the 7 questions from it. The results will shock you.
(11:43) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Thank You For Smoking (2006, comedy): The review is from an episode we did back in 2013 (during our first go around. Remember Evan Atherton? He's on the clip. Yup, the whole gang is back the past!)

(14:12) Kate may be changing her educational plans.  Hopefully not though.


What else do we got?  How about another free movie & a FREE comedy album by yours truly?

Here you go!

Here's some stats for all my films listed on bit torrent bundle (links to all the films can be found by clicking the download links above, and clicking "read more" in the "about this bundle" section.

Anyway, here are some stats for the past two weeks.

The Truth About Average Guys  = 144 downloads +  94 plays = seen by 238 people
S.O.L.                                          = 119 downloads + 171 plays = seen by 290 people.
Wingmen Incorporated               =   50 downloads +   64 plays = seen by 114 people.

So in the past two weeks 642 people have watched my films. I'm glad people are enjoying them, instead of the films just rotting away being ignored. Always good to find new audiences.

Anything else going on?

Kate and I are going to start I Don't Recall back up in a few weeks. I am really looking forward to getting this thing finished. I'm also doing okay on the diet. Was 250 on September 6th. I weighed in today at 236.8.  My goal was to be at 238 on October first so I smashed that with several days to spare.

Here's my weight goals.

Sep   6th = 250
Oct   1st  = 238  (nailed it!)
Nov  1st  = 227
Dec  1st  = 217
Jan   1st  = 208
Feb  1st  = 200
Mar  1st = 193
Apr   1st = 187
May  1st = 183
Jun   1st =  180

So far so good. Hopefully I can keep it up. Once the weather gets colder it's going to get more difficult. But I'm hoping I can run up until the beginning of December.

Well, that's all I got for now.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Episode 21 + FREE STUFF + and some stats...

Episode 21 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Jason is flying solo this week as Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson had to take a test.

Episode 21 "highlights"...

(00:20) - Kate "Pickle Dick" Johnson is not here this week.
(00:45) - 110 people downloaded The Truth About Average Guys in the last 3 days.
(01:02) - Kayne West Hates Crippled White People
(01:48) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "The Altar" by Tom Prior (CLICK HERE to hear more)
(06:24) - MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Sleepwalk with Me (2012, Mike Birbiglia) It's on Netflix Instant Watch, or get the DVD loaded with bonus material.

(07:24) Gonna be a short show since Pickle Dick isn't here. Go to and click on the "store" tab to get loads of FREE shit.  (movies, music, stand up comedy, go get it girl!)

(07:55) Your homework for this week is to tell email us at with your Top 5 Favorite Comedians.


Okay, so what else is new?

I recently released my film, The Truth About Average Guys, on bit torrent (yeah, the piracy website). They have this new thing called the Bit Torrent Bundle. Which is their attempt at going legit. I really like it. I can release my film (for free) and if people want the bonus material there is an "email gate", which is basically a hip way of saying they have to sign up for my newsletter to get the bonus content.  I actually put up all my films on there.

The Truth About Average Guys has been downloaded 121 times in the past week. It has been streamed an additional 68 times. So nearly 200 people have watched the film this week.

S.O.L. has only been live for a couple days. It has been downloaded 35 times and streamed 33 times. So close to 70 people have watched that this week.

Wingmen Incorporated has been live for a day. It's been downloaded 10 times and streamed 13. So 23 people have watched it in the last day or so.

So all in all, my films have been downloaded 166 times and streamed 114 times this week. My films have been watched 280 times in the past 7 days.


My goal was to build up my mailing list by doing this. In the past week I have gotten 30 people to sign up for my mailing list. My goal is to get at least 1000 people on my mailing list by next spring when I start a kickstarter campaign for our upcoming film, I Don't Recall.  I already had 80 on the list, so I'm up to 110 now. Still got a long ways to go. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 to shoot the film next summer. Of course, the more we raise the better the film will be.

I've learned a lot while making my first 3 movies. I am also very excited about doing this film with new partners. People that care more about making a great movie than they do shtooping the actress's or making their character look better for their acting reel, while the movie suffers. Thus far the process has been ..........dare I say...........FUN?

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Friday, September 12, 2014

20th Episode of the podcast + Download one of my films + bonus features FOR FREE


Episode 20 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now upon us. But first, I have a free movie for you. It's my debut film, The Truth About Average Guys. It's a nifty little low budget comedy I shot back in the summer of 2008.

You can watch the trailer and the film for free. You can unlock loads of bonus material for the low low low price of ......signing up for my monthly newsletter. (you can unsubscribe any time, but hopefully you'll like what you see and will want to stick around and see where this comedy thing goes!)

If you like the film, please tell your friends about it. Well, maybe not all of them, but like the ones that might like R rated indie comedies.

That brings us to Episode 20 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast! Wow, have we been doing this for 20 weeks already?

20 episodes in. Things aren't going exactly how I thought they'd be. I have a different co-host now. Evan flaked after episode 8. Kate has been filling in nicely. At first she was a little reluctant to be part of this, but I think over the past 12 episodes she and I have gotten a lot better at co-hosting together. I think we have a pretty good thing going on.

"Highlights" from our 20th Episode...


(02:20) - Tales From The Line at Subway.

(09:11) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "Are You a Mirror?" by Quiet Company (CLICK HERE to learn more about the band)

(12:40) Kate and Jason nearly witness a wiener dog getting run over by a car.

(16:37) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Stranger Than Fiction (2006, Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman)


Thank you for listening!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ep 19 + Idiot Dog Owner Almost Gets His Wiener Dog Killed + FREE MOVIE

Ep 19 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 19 "highlights"....

(00:25) Kate is back in school.
(00:45) Jason and Kate discuss their screenplay, I Don't Recall and how importance Kate's schooling is to the script.
(05:26) SONG OF THE WEEK: Tears of Happiness by Steven James Adams (CLICK HERE to buy & CLICK HERE to "Like" him on The Facebook)
(08:25) HULU RECOMMENDATION: Golan the Insatiable (6 episodes, 10 minutes long, very funny)
(10:57) Kate is drinking a beer we can't pronounce. We have a great new slogan for them.
(11:35) No mail this week. Kate thinks it's b/c last week's episode was a little creepy.


What else do we got?

Oh yeah, Kate and I were talking Wilfred (aka Wilbur, aka Doggie Rodriguez, aka Wilber Smallz, aka Dogless, aka Chief, aka Champ, aka Dipshit, aka Pussy Bear, aka Also Known As) for his nightly walk. In one of the allies a fat moron was walking his wiener dog without a leash. He had a leash in his hand, but for some reason was not smart enough to use it on the dog.  The dog saw Wilfred and immediately ran across the street towards us. Of course at this time a car was speeding down the hill and we thought it was going to hit the dog. In fact, we actually turned away b/c we thought the little wiener dog was a goner. Miraculously the little wiener dog lived and ran across the street us.

Of course, the fat idiot moron, who probably hasn't ran in at least a decade, ran across the street grabbed the dog by it's collar, and proceeded to punch it in the face for .........well, for being a DOG!

We were so pissed. Kate started crying when she heard the dog yelping as he beat it.  I wanted so badly to bait the guy into taking a swing at me so I could beat his fat dog abusing ass, but I try to be a pacifist around Kate b/c I know we'd end up fighting if I got into a fight. So I bit my tongue. I later found out that Kate would have been fine if I had yelled at the guy. That would have been nice to know. Oh well, I'll get him next time. We've already decided if we see the dog off leash one more time we're turning them in for abuse + endangering the animal.

I don't know why so many people out here ignore the leash laws in this town. Our down is always on a leash. He's a very well behaved dog, but at the end of the day we are smart enough to realize that he is still a dog. If he sees a rabbit or a cat he's going to take off after it. It's not rocket science. It's common sense. But unfortunately it's not all that common.

What else do I have for you?

Oh yeah, how about a FREE movie?  Not good enough? How about a FREE movie with a few bonus features?  Still not enough?  Then go fuck yourself.  This shit is free. Have you ever given me anything for free? No? This is so one sided. You should get me a card.


Well, that's all I got for now. If you download the film and like it, be sure to share that link with anyone you think will like it. It's free. I just want the exposure for now.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Busy Busy Busy + Ep 18 of the podcast!

Where to begin this week?  Oh yeah, Episode 18 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Jason and Kate are back for Episode 18.

Episode 18 "highlights"....

(00:31) - Mailbag time!
(03:47) - NETFLIX RECOMMENDATION: Lie To Me (TV show, FOX, 2009-2011, 48 episodes)
(08:10) - SONG OF THE WEEK: Closing Time (Semisonic Cover) by Me and The City (CLICK HERE to download the song. Make sure you follow them on Soundcloud, and like and leave a comment.)
(12:07) Jason discusses losing his virginity to someone that wasn't very good (and also insane).
(14:22) Kate discusses her first time, as well as some disturbing "issues" her partner had.

CLICK HERE for your free copy of BUTT STUFF

CLICK HERE to follow Jason on Soundcloud


This marks the 10th episode in a row that my co-host, Evan, has missed. I don't even bother reaching out to him about it anymore. He knows when and where we record. He knows how to get a hold of me. He's flaked out on me...........again.  It kind of sucks b/c his flaking out was a big reason as to why our first attempt at the podcast (from March 2013 to July 2013) failed. 

We started back up on May 1st of this year. This time around he didn't even make it to July, despite starting 2 months later. It's really frustrating. Actually that's not the word I should be using. It's more disappointing than frustrating. I think Evan his hilarious and that we put on a good show together. I think our stuff was very funny together. I understand he has a lot more family responsibilities now than he did last year, but he flaked out last year too, so yeah, there's that. I love him like a brother and I think he has all the talent in the world, I just think he lacks the hunger.

My lovely girlfriend, Kate, has been sitting in with me in Evan's absence.  I think our shows together keep getting better and better each week. Our shows are more focused. They have more of a format. Our shows are getting about 50 plays per episode.  Evan and I were averaging about 120 plays per episode, but I'm not entirely sure if those numbers are accurate. I think Podbean (the hosting site) may have been fudging the numbers a bit. It's in their best interest to make me think I have an audience so that I keep making podcasts and keep paying them $10 a month. So while I don't think their numbers are entirely accurate, I do think they are more accurate than they were early on. I also had autoplay on on my website, so I think this was bringing up my numbers as well. I turned it off, and the numbers seem more accurate.

Now that I have a pretty good idea of our fanbase I can focus on growing it. Our listeners may be small in number, but some of them are big fans of the show. That makes me feel good. Like I'm not wasting my time and putting on a show for no one. I may look into doing some advertising in the not too distant future. So we'll see how that goes.

The main thing with a podcast is to not miss a week. If you say your podcast comes out every Wednesday, then you need to put one out every Wednesday. Thus far I am proud to say that we have not missed a deadline yet. There were weeks where I wanted to skip putting out a show, but we sucked it up and that's normally when we put out our best work. As I said before, I think Kate and I have gotten better each week. One thing that has helped us is our episodes are about half as long as the ones Evan and I used to do. Evan and I used to do 30-40 minute episodes, and Kate and I aim for 15-20. I think a 15 minute episode of all great stuff is much better than a 40 minute episode with only 20 minutes of decent material. So we try to cram all the good stuff into 15-20 minute episodes. It seems to be working.

Now to BUTT STUFF. I bought some advertising from Facebook for the album release. I did all the targeting (targeted my favorite comedians: Louis CK, John Mulaney, Mike Birbiglia, Eugene Mirman, etc..) I paid for CLICKS, which means Facebook only charges me when someone clicks on my ad. I had 53 people click on my ad (supposedly) and not one of them actually downloaded my FREE comedy album.  I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to believe that 53 comedy lovers clicked on my ad out of curiosity and went to my album download page and did not download the FREE album. I've never had good luck with Facebook advertising and that was probably the last time I waste money on those greedy fucks.

You know what's cooler than a million dollars?   A billion.

You know what's cooler than a billion dollars?  Not becoming obsolete by pissing off your customer base. Wasn't all that long ago that Myspace was king. Now look at them. They kept fucking with people and people left.......for Facebook.  Now Facebook has gotten worse every year since I've joined (I was late to the party, I jumped ship (from myspace to facebook) in the spring of 2010.

That's all I got for this week. Hope you enjoyed the rants!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment
FOLLOW ME on Soundcloud!

Friday, August 22, 2014

FREE BUTT STUFF! + Ep 17 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast

Hello Internets!

Today is the day. My debut comedy album, BUTT STUFF, is now available for download. Oh, and did I mention it's absolutely FREE?

At this point in the game the exposure of a free album (that hopefully people will share with their friends) is worth far more to me than small amount of $$$ I would make by selling it. Let's face it, I'm just not famous enough to charge for this. But I am hoping to get a lot of new fans out of this album.

My goal is 1000 downloads. So please CLICK HERE and download the album. If you like comedians like Louis CK, Mike Birbiglia, John Mulaney, Doug Benson, Eugene Mirman, you will find this album to be quite entertaining. I am still very wet behind the ears in my comedy journey, but hopefully you can all see some potential and will hopefully get a few chuckles out of my free album.

CLICK HERE for your FREE download of BUTT STUFF.

What else do we got?  Oh yeah, Episode 17 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now available.

Kate and Jason are back for Episode 17 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast.

Episode 17 "highlights"....

(01:10) The only 2 things Jason wants Kate to say at his funeral.
(01:56) We read an email (top 5 Robin Williams movies + our top 5's)
(05:05) NEXTFLIX RECOMMENDATIONS: Bobcat Goldthwait comedy special "You Don't Look The Same Either" and also his film "World's Greatest Dad" starring Robin Williams.
bobcatcomedy.jpg        bobcatfilm.jpg

(07:30) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Away You Go" by Against The Clocks (CLICK HERE to buy)
(11:25) Ferguson, MO: How To Handle Everything The Wrong Way


Well, that's all we got this week, make sure you go download your free copy of BUTT STUFF. Help me reach 1000 downloads.

Thank you,

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, August 14, 2014

R.I.P Robin Williams + Episode 16

After a great weekend out in Chicago at a wedding for my girlfriend's friend, I was very saddened to hear about Robin Williams' passing. As an aspiring comedian (not to be confused with "inspiring", which is a grammatical error that annoys me greatly...) I viewed Robin Williams as one of those famous guys that I had always hoped I got a chance to work with, and possibly even be friends with.

Sadly, that will not be happening. This guy could do it all. He was one of the funniest people on the planet, yet could act the shit out of any dramatic script out there.

Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Episode 16

Jason & Kate are back for Episode 16.

Episode 16 "Highlights"...

(00:27) - Jason learned a couple things about Kate this past weekend.
(02:08) R.I.P Robin Williams
(04:04) Jason tells a squirrel to not be a hero.
(05:19) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Good Will Hunting (Robin Williams, Matt Damon))
(06:02) Jason inaccurately describes the plot of Good Will Hunting.
(07:07) Clip From BUTT STUFF: Going Through the Drivethru/Ex Girlfriend's Nudes (CLICK HERE for more)
(11:12) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Ready Now" by Tape Waves (CLICK HERE to hear more!)
(14:50) Nazi Propaganda Dream Pop!
(15:23) Tony Stewart killed someone that should have stayed in his car.


Email us your Top 5 Robin Williams movies and we will read them on the air next week. Or chime in on the Tony Stewart discussion. 

BUTT STUFF is coming along nicely. Just 3 tracks left (the closing track + 2 bonus tracks). It should be done within the next week. Then I will be promoting the shit out of it (and giving it away for free!). I feel the exposure I get from this will help me in the long run.

Kate starts school in a couple weeks. She is going to school to be a physical therapist, which just so happens to be the occupation of the main female character. Once she's back in the groove with school we will be starting our screenplay, I Don't Recall, back up and will have that finished by the end of the year. We'll start fundraising in late February, and hope to start shooting in July, August, and September of 2015.  Cannot wait to make this movie. It's going to be a blast.

I have been dieting like crazy to get in shape for this film. I got up to 250 pounds. But I weighed in at 238.8 today (in just two weeks!).  Kate has got me eating healthier. Rice tastes like shit. But everything else has been good. I am hoping to get down to 180 by June. No more fat funny sidekick for me. Time to be the handsome leading man (that is hilarious!). 

That's all I got for now.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Episode 15 + That's it = Just Episode 15

Episode 15 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

Episode 15 "highlights"....

(00:45) BUTT STUFF CLIP: My Dad is a lot Nicer to Me Now That He Knows I'm Not Gay. (CLICK HERE to reserve your FREE copy, new release date is 8/19/14)
(04:40) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Tibetan Pop Stars" by Hop Along (CLICK HERE to buy track!)
(09:25) Kate is back from her vacation in Portland.
(10:42) The worst thing Jason has ever done. (worst as in "stupidest")
(11:52) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: The Pretty One (2013, comedy, watched on Blockbuster online)


Going to a wedding with Kate this weekend out in Chicago. I'm not the most social person on the planet, which is odd since I am a comedian. I go back and forth between wanting the limelight and wanting to be left alone. Never inbetween. So I look very much forward to getting hammered at the reception.

My comedy album, BUTT STUFF, has been bumped back to 8/19/14. It was going to be released on the 5th, but obviously it's not done yet. Dustin and I keep adding shit to it. But we finally have the whole set recorded and are putting the finishing touches on editing.

Here's a list of people who will not like my comedy album.

1. mom
2. dad
3. ex girlfriends (mainly my ex fiancé)
4. Fox News

That's about it. Everyone else should like it.

CLICK HERE to reserve your FREE download of BUTT STUFF & The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Free Music Sampler Summer 2014! (both are free)

Jason W. Schaver

Thursday, July 31, 2014

More Cat Turds Please! + Ep 14 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast

The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Episode 14

Episode 14 "highlights"...
(00:40) Kate's morbid pre-vacation behavior.
(01:35) Jason is poorest on Wednesdays.
(02:00) Jason is trying to say the C word less, and "twat" more.
(03:00) SONG OF THE WEEK: "The Way We Move" by Langhorne Slim and The Law (CLICK HERE  to get the song for free, you have to sign up for the band's mailing list, worth it though as you get this and another great song called "Bad Luck")
(07:16) Duff Watson is a twat.
(09:37) Opening clip from BUTT STUFF
(12:31) More BUTT STUFF stuff. The recording process, what the album is about, etc...
CLICK HERE to get your FREE copy of BUTT STUFF (and Podcast Music Sampler!). The first 200 downloads of BUTT STUFF are free, so reserve your copy today!  The album release date is moving back to either August 12th or 19th.  It's taking a little while longer, but it's because we keep adding stuff + trying to make it "real good".

EMAIL:  (go check it out, I redid the website this week)

Not a whole lot else going on. Kate is on vacation this week, so it's just me and Wilbur (aka Kate's 14 year old Huskie/Burmese Mountain Dog mix.

Yup, that's him.

Jason W. Schaver

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flying Solo This Week (Ep 13) + Butt Stuff......Stuff...

Episode 13 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now available. Click the player below and enjoy.

Short podcast this week. Kate was busy, as was Evan. So instead of just not doing a podcast this week I decided to do a quickie.

Episode 13 "highlights"... (be sure to check out the song of the week)

(01:00) Butt Stuff update.
(02:11) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Homo World" by Will Farrell in a Dream (world premier!).
(05:23) The Truth About "Homo World"
(06:23) Another Idiot Dog Owner Without His Idiot Dog on an Idiot Leash!

NEXT WEEK: Kate is back + we will (for real) play a clip from Butt Stuff

If you want to catch up on previous episodes you can by going to

Be sure to CLICK HERE and get your FREE MUSIC SAMPLER from Moped Jones Drunken Podcast! Great music from: River City Extension, Me and the City, Pocket Panda, Corey Booth Project, Matt Hoffman, and Falling Through April, as well as some funny clips from the podcast. It's free, so be sure to download it today!

Also, CLICK HERE to reserve your FREE download of BUTT STUFF + listen to the opening tracks. (comes out 8/5/14). I have posted the first two tracks ("I Want to Date Taylor Swift Long Enough For Her to Write a Song about Me" & "Might be Racist, Still Don't Know For Sure") So be sure to check those out, and make sure you get your FREE download of the album. I'm still not sure how many of these things I am going to give away for free. So make sure you get it for free now.

Had this week off from work and have been working on getting Butt Stuff recorded. My buddy Dustin is working on the editing and so far I have been very impressed with what he's brought to the table.

In diet news, I weighed 245 on June 1st, and today I weighed in at 230. So that is going well. I would like to get down to 180 before we start shooting I Don't Recall next summer.

Things are slowly but surely starting to fall into place. I'll be buying a camera within the next month or so and putting out a bunch more of my own sketches as well as finally shooting No Regrets.

Thanks for readin'

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Loads of Great FREE Music + Episode 12!

Hi Everybody!

Below is a FREE music sampler that features the best songs that we've played on this season's Moped Jones Drunken Podcast. Be sure to check it out. Again, it's absolutely free. It's our thank you for listening + it's also a thank you to help these great bands get a little bit more exposure. So be sure to check out their other music as well.

CLICK HERE to go to the Bandcamp page for the album. You can download it for free there, or in the media player above.

What else?

Oh yeah! Episode 12 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up.

(01:08) - What we're drinking tonight.

(02:21) - Mail Bag Time!

(04:10) - Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: FREE MUSIC SAMPLER SUMMER 2014 (CLICK HERE)

(05:26) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "Owl Song" by Me and the City (CLICK HERE to like them on Facebook and hear more!)

(10:16) - CLASSIC MOPED: Evan, Kate, and Jason's 2013 interview with comedian El Arntson. CLICK HERE to follow El on Twitter)

(29:33) - MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Chris Porter: Ugly and Angry (stand up comedy, Netflix Instant)

email: (not .cum! That's someone else!)
Go get your FREE music sampler by clicking HERE

Next week's episode will have a clip from my upcoming comedy album, Butt Stuff.

That's all I got for now. I'm chugging away on "Butt Stuff". I started recording some of the tracks. The album will be released (for FREE) on Bandcamp on August 5th. So be sure to pick up your free digital copy of the album.

Jason W. Schaver

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Drunken Podcast Episode 11 + some Butt Stuff!

Episode 11 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast

Episode 11 "highlights"...

(00:26) What we're drinking this week.
(02:09) Mailbag time!
(03:03) Update from "angry texts" story from Episode 10 (06:15)
(04:37) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Broken Feet" by Falling Through April (CLICK HERE to hear more!)

(07:50) Dogs without leashes.
(10:35) Jason would rather fight a bear than have a bat swoop down at him.
(14:37) CLASSIC MOPED: Evan gets out of a ticket.
(20:01) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Super High Me (doc, 2007, comedian Doug Benson)

follow us on twitter by CLICKING HERE
Like us on facebook by CLICKING HERE

I am currently chugging away my upcoming comedy album Butt Stuff


It will be written within the next week and then recorded within the next two weeks. And should be released (for FREE on Bandcamp) on August 5th.

People have told me that I'm crazy for releasing my debut album for free. Honestly, I don't think anyone would pay for it. I'm a nobody. I want to get noticed. What better way to get people to notice you than by giving away your album for free? If they like it, they will become fans and hopefully check out my other stuff (films, albums, podcast, etc...) If they don't like it, then they never have to speak of it again. Hopefully people will enjoy it and share it with their friends. The main thing for me is exposure. I'd rather have 5000 people download the album for free than have 100 people buy it for $5. So for now, releasing a free album seems to be the way to go.

Butt Stuff will tackle the following topics: ex girlfriends, parents, space perverts, the truth about the N word, some politics, and of course, butt stuff.

I am also putting together a FREE music sampler of songs featured on the podcast. This will also be released on Bandcamp. It will be released on July 29th). It will feature great tunes used on the podcast + have some of the podcast's funnier moments peppered in. So be sure to look for that, again, it's FREE.

That's all I got for now. Be sure to check out the podcast. Great song this week by Falling Through April called "Broken Feet". Lots of laughs too!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Episode 10 + FREE MOVIE Wingmen Incorporated Drunken Commentary

Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Episode 10

Kate Johnson sits in with Jason W. Schaver once again for Evan "I Have a Podcast?" Atherton (for those of you keeping score, Evan is 5 for 10 at showing up for the podcast).

Episode 10 "highlights"...

(00:30) What we're drinking this week

(01:26) Happy to not be "podfading" (look it up, it's a real thing & we're not doing it!)

(02:26) Mailbag time! Jason reads two emails (the only two we got)


(06:15) Kate reads angry texts from a former client she had to block. (part of her week in review)

(10:00) JASON'S WEEK IN REVIEW: New Comedy Album Butt Stuff coming 8/5/14! (unless it sucks, then never!)

(11:26) SONG OF THE WEEK: Katie Queen of Tennessee by The Apache Relay (CLICK HERE to hear more of their music.

(15:01) Jason's Famous Facebook Friends

(17:30) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Rain Over Me (Evan/Jason from March 2013: CLASSIC MOPED)


Our free movie this week is the "Drunkenly Honest" commentary that Kate and I did for Wingmen Incorporated (our first commentary track was edited, without my permission, by my former partner, so we decided to redo our commentary + correct a few "inaccuracies" (*COUGH* lies) that were said on my former partner's commentary track.

Well, that's all for this week. Thank you to everyone that listens to the podcast and/or watches our movies.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Monday, June 23, 2014

Episode 9 + This Week's FREE Movie + a special announcement....

Kate Johnson sits in for Evan Atherton this week. Jason was super drunk for this one, so we would like you all to play a drinking game (unless you are listening in a car), but every time you hear Jason say he is drunk, take a shot. (hint: you will take at least 3 shots, possibly more).

Episode 9 "highlights"

(00:26) First time Jason says he's drunk as shit.
(00:43) What we're drinking this week.
(01:16) Mailbag time! Yup, we actually had mail this week.
(02:10) 2nd time Jason says he's drunk.
(03:05) 3rd time Jason says he's drunk.
(04:07) "Standing Outside a Southern Riot" by River City Extension ( &

(07:50) Field of Dreams 25th Anniversary in Dyersville, IA.
(09:18) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION:  Robot & Frank (2012, PG 13, indie comedy)

(11:08) "If You Need Me Back in Brooklyn" by River City Extension
(15:53)  4th time Jason says he's drunk.

EMAIL: info@mopedjones

Don't forget to rate us on itunes! (unless you're giving us a bad rating, then by all means, forget to rate us)


This week's free movie is my award winning comedy Wingmen Incorporated.

Anything else?

Yes, I will be recording my first comedy special entitled Butt Stuff.  Yes, that is the actual title. Just felt like there needed to be a comedy album named that. I am currently writing it. Will record it in July. And if it doesn't suck too bad I will release it early August.

Anyway, enjoy the podcast and the free movie and be sure to look out for butt stuff!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Episode 8 + This Week's FREE Movie

Well, Episode 8 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is upon us.

Episode 8 "highlights"

(01:20) - Star Wars Spoiler: Princess Leia is Luke's Father.
(03:43) - Bill O'Reilly meltdown
(06:19) - Gun Nuts
(10:19) - SONG OF THE WEEK: "Vegas" by Zac McFadden
(16:11 - 30:57) - Part 2 of Evan's Interview with Morning Parade frontman Steve Sparrow
(34:13) - MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Cinema Six (indie comedy on Hulu + other stuff)

EMAIL: (shoot us an email if you like the song or the movie recommendation, or if you have some recommendations of your own. We're always looking for great new bands or films to recommend).  Please make sure to give us your first name and where you are from. We love hearing from you.

If you missed any previous episodes of the podcast you can catch up by clicking any of the links below...



Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter........sometimes we say funny shit on there.



What else? Very pleased with the amount of listeners we've had so far. (as of 6/18)

Ep 1 = 208
Ep 2 = 143
Ep 3 = 168
Ep 4 = 102
Ep 5 = 116
Ep 6 = 102
Ep 7 = 132

Not too shabby. I definitely thought it would take a lot longer to get 100 listeners per episode.  (right now we're at 138.7 listeners per episode). 

And how about I end this blog with a FREE comedy?  That's right, this week's free video is my 2011 comedy film, S.O.L.

Adam Breske's performance alone makes this a must watch. (he plays the dimwitted brother, Michael in the film). If you like what you see be sure to visit where you can watch every single video we've ever made (including our 3 feature films + loads of commentaries and bonus features, skits, all sorts of fun crap) for $4.99 a month (we suggest signing up for a month, watching everything and then canceling).  All proceeds to towards our next film.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Episode 7 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast + FREE movie

Episode 7 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up. You can listen to it in the player below.

Episode 7 "highlights"

(01:44) Shitty Neighbor Update: This Time It's Personal!
(06:19) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Reality Dream" by Morning Parade
(10:27) Get Well Soon Tracy Morgan!
(12:12 - 30:05) INTERVIEW W/ Steve Sparrow of Morning Parade (PART 1)
(31:05) MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: The Brothers Solomon
(34:23) Jason's $200,000,000 joke.


COMING UP in Episode 8: Part 2 of the Steve Sparrow interview + loads more.

If you missed an episode you can listen to all of our episodes by going to

What else?   Oh yeah, you can watch my debut film, The Truth About Average Guys, for free.

Here's the entire channel.

Check it out. It has pretty much everything I've ever done. You can watch things individually (a la cart), but I would recommend subscribing to the channel for $4.99 for one month, watch everything, then cancel your subscription.  All 3 of my feature comedies are on the site, many commentary tracks (commentary audio over the films), loads of bonus material: bloopers, outtakes, interviews, behind the scenes, etc..)

Follow us on Twitter @MJDrunkenPod
Like us on The Facebook: Moped Jones Entertainment

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Episode 6 of the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast

Episode 6 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now up. It's a short episode, just a smidge over 20 minutes.

Kate Johnson once again joins Jason in Evan's absence. We tried to record this episode 3 nights in a row before getting it somewhat right (see the 01:40 description as to what happened).

(00:36) Jason does a mean Evan Atherton impression (and a nice one).
(01:40) Third times a charm for Episode 6.
(02:40) Kate's mom told a bunch of people Kate and I sell meth out of our apartment.
(05:42) Shitty neighbors.
(08:48) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Moonshine" by The Corey Booth Project (CLICK HERE to buy)
(13:37) Netflix Recommendation: Don't get Netflix.
(14:14) Movie Recommendation: Nebraska (2013, Will Forte, Bruce Dern, June Squibb)


Shoot us an email, we love hearing from you guys!.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Monday, May 26, 2014

Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Episode 5 (VIDEO)

Normally our podcasts are just audio, but since I had some extra space on podbean I had enough room to make this a visual podcast. (I buy a 300MB plan, each episode is about 30-40 MBs, so I had over 150 MBs left and had plenty of room for this visual episode. I should be able to do 1 of these a month, unless no one gives a shit then I won't do it, lol)

Here are the "highlights" of the show...

Kate "The Hammer" Johnson co-hosts with me this week in Evan's absence. 

(00:35) The real reason why Evan isn't here this week.
(01:23) Don't talk politics with someone that watches Fox "News".
(03:20) "Under the Open Sky" by Dane Schmidt (instrumental we're using in I Don't Recall)
(05:39) Jason & Kate discuss co-writing I Don't Recall.
(08:46) Story Time with Uncle Tim: Redneck Swimming Hole
(13:40) SONG OF THE WEEK: "Wait Up" by Maylane (CLICK HERE to buy, name your price)
(19:00) Jason talks about how writing with Kate is much better than writing with his former partner.
(22:30) Our Recommendation this week is anything with Tyler Labine in it.
           Hulu:   Deadbeat (10 episodes, comedy)
           Netflix: Tucker & Dale VS. Evil (movie, comedy)
           Netflix: Sons of Tuscon (13 episodes, comedy)

EMAIL US:   (we're lonely, we're getting a lot of plays but no mail, tell us your name and where you're from, we'd love to hear from you)

Click the dolphin to go to Episode 5.
We're averaging over 100 plays per our first 4 episodes of the podcast. I thought it would take longer than that to get to 100. I would have been happy with 30 or 40 out of the gate, but 100 is very nice! Hopefully that number continues to grow. Would love to be up to around 1000 or so by the first of the year.

What else?

After a few month break from our screenplay, I Don't Recall, Kate and I are about ready to jump back in. The first draft is about 75% done. Basically all that's left is "physical therapy" stuff. Need to research that some so it sounds somewhat believable. Also need to tie up a few loose ends and smooth some things out.

Also thinking about buying a camera to shoot some sketches with (got my heart set on a Canon T3i, might use it to shoot No Regrets at some point this summer. I'll start with that as soon as I lose some more weight. The weather FINALLY started cooperating and I recently started running about 5 miles a night. I want to be down to 180 by October (I'm at 235 right now, I know it's a lot, but eating right and running my ass off will get me there).  I gained about 25 pounds this ridiculously long winter. YIKES.  Oh well, I shall get that off and more very soon.

Be sure to....

LIKE the Moped Jones Facebook page.

FOLLOW the Podcast on Twitter.

I feel like 2014 is the year I am getting my shit together so that 2015 can rock.  *crosses fingers*

Thank you for giving a shit.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Thursday, May 1, 2014

*BLEEP* Mitt Romney & other stuff!


BLEEP Mitt Romney. And BLEEP Sean Hannity too. And BLEEP me for the misleading title. I just learned that catchy titles get you more page views.

So BLEEP me right in the BLEEP. I'm a bad boy.

Episode 1 of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is now available.

Thank you, be sure to check back every Wednesday for new episodes.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Podcast Starting Back up Soon!

As some of you may know the Moped Jones Drunken Podcast will be starting back up on May 1st as part of the launching of the Moped Jones Entertainment pivotshare channel. (CLICK HERE to view the channel.) 

Yesterday I found out that a guy I work with (Justin) is into filmmaking and animation. We got to talking and it sounds like he's going to be on board. We're thinking about starting 10 Minute Abs back up as well. (for those who don't know, which is probably most of you, 10 Minute Abs was a 10 minute long sketch comedy web series that I did ......I guess I can't technically call it a series since it was only one episode long. It got over 12,000 views on youtube in just one month. The reason we didn't film more is because it was winter and all the stuff was shot out in Chicago. It was just too much of a pain in the ass to get out to Chicago every month and shoot these sketches. Also the defroster in my car was broken, so not only was it a pain in the ass it was also DANGEROUS.

As I mentioned above, Justin is also an animator. So we're looking into doing some short animated stuff for the podcast.  Since the podcast is in MP4 format we can put video over the podcast audio. So this will allow us to put pictures, text, and video clips into our podcasts.

The channel will also have all 3 of my films + loads of bonus material (drunken commentaries, sober commentaries, bloopers, outtakes, interviews, sketches, and even a documentary about the making of our first film, The Truth About Average Guys)

The format of the podcast is as follows...

First Episode will be released May 1st (Thursday), then every Wednesday after that. There will be at least 4 podcasts a month, but some months there will be 5 (depending on the amount of Wednesdays)

Each podcast will be around 25-40 minutes long. (this depends on the length of the interview, if there are sketches, how long the song is, etc...)

Each podcast will include....

a phone or in studio interview with a special guest. The guest will have something to do with writing, filmmaking, acting, comedy, or music.

Each episode will include a song by an unsigned band/musical artist.

Some episodes will include a sketch (either animated or live action).  This depends on how quickly the filmmaking/animation process goes. We all have day jobs, so try to crank out as many as we can.

Why should you subscribe?

1. All proceeds go towards my next feature length film, I Don't Recall (when all is said and done I would like the budget for the film to be between $10k-$25k). I will try to put in at least $5k of my own money.

2. FREE STUFF! - Anyone that subscribes will get an electronic copy of my book Why She Left, which is a book of quotes of things that I have actually said to my girlfriend Kate. The book is not completed, but you will get a .pdf file of the first year of quotes (we started on April of 2013)  There's over 250 quotes in the book so far.  (yes, I've said at least 250 awful things to her in the last 12 months).  Might have some more free stuff too (possibly a song if I can talk Evan into it)

3.  If you stay signed up for consecutive 12 months you will receive an Associate Producer Credit on IMDB for I Don't Recall. (which we hope to start filming in the spring/summer of 2015) When we do our Kickstarter campaign in the fall for I Don't Recall, the associate producer credit will cost at least $100. You can get it now for 12 payments of $2.99 ($35.88 total)  I totally sound like a TV pitchman and I feel really shitty for coming off that way, but movies aren't cheap to make and this is something we can do to earn a little cash to go towards our next feature.

Sounds Great! How Much Does It Cost?

$2.99 a month, you can cancel any time (if you don't want to subscribe you can purchase items a la carte, but it's much cheaper to just subscribe for a month and watch everything)

The podcast alone will be worth the $2.99 a month, but for that price you get unlimited access to everything on the channel. + you get the free book (see #2). 

I'm very excited about what the rest of 2014 holds. Will be shooting No Regrets, working on sketches (animated and live action), doing the podcast, finishing up the I Don't Recall script (got about a half dozen scenes left to write, 93 pages down, probably another 20-25 to go!)

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why The Classic City International Film Festival Blows...

I recently received word that Wingmen Incorporated did not get into The Classic City International Film Festival (CCIFF) in Snellville, GA. This is a small first year festival with a comedy category, which is why I submitted. I figured WINC would fit right at home there.

Unfortunately for me, the festival and it's director (Chase Smith) did not feel the same. Now I have been rejected from PLENTY of film festivals throughout the past 5 years. So rejections at this point don't do much damage to my psyche.  However, when I pay $35 (earlybird fee) submission fee and the festival only takes 11 films (4 features and 7 shorts), that bothers me a little (but not too much, b/c they never specify how many films they were going to take).  However, when said festival takes FOUR of their own films, I have a problem with that.

They took two of their own feature films. If each film is 90 minutes, that's 180 minutes of festival programming that could have gone to films that actually paid submission fees (I'm just assuming that Chase didn't pay a submission fee to his own festival).  Now one could argue that perhaps WINC just wasn't good enough to get in (even if they hadn't wasted 180 minutes of festival programming time on Chase's films).  I would like to point out that WINC has screened at 8 festivals and won a total of 4 awards + garnered another 6 nominations.  It's wins include "Best Feature" at the East Lansing Film Festival as part of the Lake Michigan Film Competition. ELFF has been around 15 years and is much MUCH larger than CCIFF could ever hope to become.

Here's their facebook page. Scroll down to the March 19th post that has the film festival selections. Notice "Chase Smith" directed many of the films. Also notice that he runs the festival.

This isn't the first time I've submitted to a festival that ended up selecting films by the festival director. The 2013 Prairie State Film Festival, run by Willie Adkins, selected 7 films by Mr. Adkins. Willie even nominated himself for "Best Director" (along with 6 other nominations)  How big are that guy's balls?  *BLEEPING* huge!

At least Chase Smith had a little dignity by screening his films out of competition, but it is still pretty shitty to put on a festival and screen your own films (plural!!!).  I've contacted about getting a refund. I certainly would never submit to a "festival" that is nothing more than a guise to screen the festival director's own films.


Jason W. Schaver

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sample Scene: I Don't Recall + other stuff

Hello Again,

Just wanted to keep everyone posted on how the new script is coming along. We have about 85 pages written. Probably have another 20-25 left. A scene here and there. The basic story is all there. Just need to tighten it up some and fill in some of the missing chunks. It will probably be about 110-120 pages by the time it's completed.

Below is a scene from the script. But before that I would like to give you a little context. Martin, a mild mannered pushover in his mid 30's, is meeting his long time girlfriend (Sara) for their anniversary dinner. He is going to propose to her. She has other ideas.

CLICK HERE to read the sample scene.

What else is going on?

Well, to help raise some money for I Don't Recall I am starting my own subscription channel.

I am not "officially" launching the channel until May 1st. However, it is active now. So if you want to sign up, that would be awesome.

For $2.99 a month you will have unlimited access to our entire library. 

For $2.69 you can purchase downloads of The Truth About Average Guys, S.O.L., and Wingmen Incorporated. (if you subscribe to the channel, they are included into the subscription)


Here's a list of what we have currently have on the site...

Wingmen Incorporated              -  $2.69  (or part of the subscription package)
The Truth About Average Guys - $2.69  (or part of the subscription package)
10 Minute Abs: Episode 1          - $1.29  (or part of the subscription package)


The following are only available through a monthly subscription...

Wingmen Incorporated: Drunkenly Honest Commentary*
Wingmen Incorporated: BLOOPERS
Wingmen Incorporated: OUTTAKES
Wingmen Incorporated: Larry's Awesome Tattoo Story!
Wingmen Incorporated: Extended Sex Scene
Wingmen Incorporated: Extended Fight Scene
10 Minute Abs: Episode 1 Bloopers
The History of TTAAG: From The Beginning (18 minute documentary about TTAAG)
The Truth About Average Guys: BLOOPERS
The Truth About Average Guys: Alternate Ending


Coming Soon...

S.O.L.: Drunken Commentary*
Wingmen Incorporated: Sober Commentary Ken & Bethany*
Wingmen Incorporated: Original Drunken Commentary (unedited: Jason, Kate, and Evan)*
The Truth About Average Guys: Commentary with Jason & Ken*
No Regrets (short film)
No Regrets (short film) Commentary*

(*the commentaries are the video of the film with the commentary audio track)

And starting May 1st, new weekly episodes of The Moped Jones Drunken Podcast and we'll be doing Drunken Commentaries to popular films (like Titanic).

All proceeds from the channel will go towards I Don't Recall's budget. 

So that's what's going on right now. No Regrets will start up in April or May and will start shooting in May or June. It's a 4 day shoot (2 weekends). Hope it have it edited and ready to submit to festivals in August. Pretty pumped about that.

In the mean time, Kate and I will keep chugging along on the script. I say this a lot, but I can't believe how talented of a writer she is. I'm so used to bumping heads when I collaborate with someone, but she trusts me and I trust her, so writing with her has been a pleasant surprise.  Once the script is done we'll send it to a script consultant and get some feedback. Then we'll incorporate her notes and rewrite the script (hopefully we won't have to do too much).  Then from there we will start contacting some name talent and gauge their interest in the script as well as get a quote for what it would cost to have them in the film.

Pretty exciting times are ahead for Moped Jones.  Hope you enjoyed the sample scene!

Can't wait!

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Loads of new articles + some updates!

As some of you know I recently started writing for Yahoo! Contributor Network to get back in the writing habit for a feature length comedy screenplay my g/f (Kate) and I are working on called I Don't Recall.

Well, a funny thing happened while writing for Yahoo!  I started making money at it.  Not a ton right off the bat, but enough to keep at it.

Below are the articles that I have published since my last blog.

CLICK HERE to read about how to make a movie for less than $10,000.

CLICK HERE to read about some forgotten songs from the '90s.

CLICK HERE to read about some forgotten songs from the '00s.

CLICK HERE to read about how to put on your own podcast. It's easier than you might think.

CLICK HERE to read about how to find the right film festivals for your film.

CLICK HERE to read by Hollywood is making too much money to be original. Expect more of the same from them in 2014.

CLICK HERE to read about how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign. I show you what to do and breakdown one filmmaker's dreadful attempt at a campaign and why it failed miserably.

CLICK HERE to read an article about pot. Yeah, it's about it being legal in Colorado.

CLICK HERE to read why resigning Jay Cutler was a no-brainer for the Bears.

CLICK HERE to read how Starbucks' attempted pissing contest with a local bar owner backfired miserably and actually helped the bar. When will big companies learn how quickly social media can be used against them?

As you can see, I've been very busy writing articles for Yahoo! the past couple weeks. While I haven't made a ton of money, I have about $500 saved up to go towards I Don't Recall. Which is roughly about 1% of what the budget will be.  I know that doesn't sound like much but by the time we're ready to shoot in the late spring/early summer of 2015 I hope to have about $6500 of my own money to put towards the film (which is about 12.5% of the budget $50,000).  I will be setting aside all my Yahoo! money + all my weekly incentive money from the day job. I have about 80 weeks to save up.  Hopefully when people see how much of a risk I'm willing to take on my own film they will be willing to donate via kickstarter/indiegogo later in the fall when we do a campaign.

Speaking of I Don't Recall, Kate and I have hit a bit of a snag, but still have 70 pages of the script completed. Just need to tie up a few loose ends and write a few more scenes and it will be over 100 pages (which is our goal).  100 pages will keep the movie within the 80-90 minutes range. Obviously we're fine with it being longer, but we definitely don't want it shorter. 

So that's where we're at with that.  If you have to read an article that you enjoy please share it with your friends. I get paid by the view, so sharing my articles really helps me out.

Thank you,

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment