Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

I am very pleased to announce that my film, Wingmen Incorporated, took home "Best Feature" at the 2013 East Lansing Film Festival as part of the Lake Michigan Film Competition.  This is the second time in the past 5 years that one of my films has won the competition as The Truth About Average Guys won it back in 2009 (S.O.L. was submitted to East Lansing in 2011, but was not selected).   I was very pleased with this since after viewing the competition I expected us to get 2nd. There was a very well shot drama (with name talent) that I thought was going to win. Their trailer looked fantastic. The story was a little boring, but I'm not really into dramas so I didn't know if it was boring b/c it was boring or boring b/c I am just not into that genre.  Either way, I was very pleased with our unexpected win.

In other news, I've had a few more articles published by Yahoo! Please feel free to give them a read if you are interested.

This is called "I Hate Remakes, but I Wish Hollywood Would Remake Better Films" and it's about the string of horrible remakes Hollywood has been redoing lately. I offer a few suggestions for movies I wouldn't mind seeing remade.

This one is about the Chicago Bears. So if you are a fan feel free to read it.

If you are a lady and are on a dating website, this is a must read for you. As a guy that's viewed many profiles over the years, I can tell you exactly what is wrong with your profile. (to date, this is my most read article with nearly 400 reads in just under two weeks)

This one is about the University of Illinois men's basketball team. I discuss why this years team, despite losing 75% of it's scoring, might actually be better this year.  Addition by subtraction. Feel free to check it out if you are a Fighting Illini fan!

What else is going on?

I had a fundraising screening in Clinton for Wingmen Incorporated on Wednesday, November 6th. About 60 people showed up. I was disappointed with the turn out. Mainly because I advertised with the local radio station (MAC FM, 94.7) and I don't think they played the commercial as many times as they were supposed to AND I don't think they played it during the time of day they said they would.  Needless to day I will not advertise with them anymore. I had more people turn out for the S.O.L. Clinton screening back in January of 2011 with NO ADVERTISING than I did this time around. Such a waste of money.   On the bright side, the film was very well received. This is the first time I actually watched my cut of the film with an audience. I was very happy with their reaction.

Things have stalled a bit on the new screenplay (I Don't Recall). However, I feel that Kate and I will be getting back in the groove shortly. Wingmen Incorporated is playing at a festival up in Wisconsin this weekend. Hopefully it does well and I can call my next blog "Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner Part 2".

Got some really good deals on DVD's and shirts. 

Wingmen Incorporated DVD (my cut) - $6.99

DVD includes... 
*NEW 76 minute film
 sober commentary - Ken Gayton/Beth Carol
*NEW Drunkenly Honest Commentary - Jason W. Schaver & Kate Johnson (b/c someone felt the need to edit out our previous commentary, so we made a new one)
7+ minutes of bloopers
8+ minutes of outtakes
*NEW Larry's Tattoo Story
*NEW Pictures From Set
(I also redesigned the menu b/c the other version looked like a 4th grader did it)

Wingmen Incorporated Black T- Shirt - $9.99

Get a shirt & a DVD for $15

The Truth About Average Guys DVD - $7.99
Buy TTAAG, WINC for $15 and get a copy of S.O.L. for FREE! 

Click the link below for details!  

(shipping is US only, if you aren't in the US shoot me an email at and we'll figure something out)

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment