Friday, March 8, 2013

Podcast Episode 2 + other stuff

Dear Whomever is bored enough to read this,

The latest Moped Jones Drunken Podcast is up.

Click that, scroll down to you see the player, then click on episode two. In the latest episode we discuss a wide variety of topics including: Evan's big date that he may or may not have, using kids to pick up women at the mall, me almost getting killed this week, song & movie recommendations by Jason, Evan, and Kate.

While I have you here, I would love for you to click the picture below and rate Wingmen Incorporated on IMDB.

DVD front cover of my new film Wingmen Incorporated.

The reason I am politely asking you to rate the film is because we recently went from a 9.6 to a 3.6 because of one heavily weighted vote.  According to the IMDB stats, the vote came from an 18-29 year old female and I think I have a pretty good idea of who it came from.  It has been years since I've seen this girl, and she should have no reason to have any animosity towards me as I was not the one that lied or cheated.  I'm almost positive it's her because I have had several repeat visits on the website from her current town.  It's not enough to convict her, lol, but I am confident that it's her. 

We have made up some ground as we are up to 4.0 on IMDB, but don't let that terrorizer win!  Please click the picture above and rate the film how you see fit.

And lastly, head on over to and buy a download of the film for $2.99 and watch it tonight!  Or buy a DVD loaded with bonus material for $11.99 and wait for it! 

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Click here to follow me on Twitter

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Moped Jones Drunken Podcast: Episode 1 + pic

Dear Whomever is bored enough to read this,

Click the link and hit play. You can just play it or download it for free.  In the podcast we discuss the following...

Scott Weiland
how Evan's kids may or may not be amazing
a crazy girl I used to sleep with
Evan's upcoming date
Jason & Evan each recommend a song (and play it)
Jason & Evan each recommend a movie (and don't play it, just discuss it)
A very entertaining phone call from Evan's sister
love making tips for Evan

Feel free to email us any questions to and we will try to answer them on the next podcast.

Also, please go to and pick up a DVD or download of my brand new film Wingmen Incorporated.  Downloads of the movie are $2.99 (film only) and/or buy a DVD of the film that is loaded with bonus material.

This is the DVD front and back cover.  Pretty slick, was designed by our buddy Kyle Clark.
Thank you for caring, I truly am humbled by all the kind words about the new film. And to those of you yet to check it out, give it a chance. I promise you'll like it.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Click here to follow me on Twitter.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Wingmen Incorporated is here!

Dear Whomever is bored enough to read this,

It's here!  Wingmen Incorporated is now available.  Below is the trailer to the film.  Check it out!

Wasn't that just hilarious?  No?  Yes it was, screw you.  All kidding aside, if you think that trailer looks funny then feel free to go to and pick up a download of the film for $2.99 (film only) and if you enjoy the film I urge you to pick up a copy of the DVD that's loaded with bonus material.

Also recorded the first Moped Jones Drunken Podcast tonight, should be available soon.  I will let people know as soon as it's available. I like to think it turned out pretty funny, especially the unexpected phone call we got during the show.

Jason W. Schaver
Moped Jones Entertainment

Click here to follow me on Twitter